Advantages & Disadvantages of Motorhome Covers

When purchasing a motorhome it’s important to look at storage when you are not using it, especially over the winter months when it is likely to be sat dormant for months at a time. If you are lucky enough to be able to put a roof over the motorhome or park it in an enclosed space then the requirement of a cover dramatically decreases, however, if like many people it must be parked outside, a motorhome cover may be your point of call.

As with anything it’s worth weighing up the pros and cons of using one of these covers as there are strong reasons for and against it that could tip your opinions balance either way.

Purpose of a motorhome cover

An RV cover is designed to give your RV protection from the elements over the winter months, they are commonly made of strong materials including polypropylene. They aim to block out UV rays, rain, snow and other factors that could damage or discolour the paint and finish of the RV.

Why would I want a motorhome cover?

Motorhomes are an expensive investment and protecting this item is incredibly important, leaving it outside to rot and discolour over the winter will harm its value and ability to function as required.

As the months' rollover and the seasons pass by, a motorhome sat outside for months at a time will be subjected to the elements from leaves falling from trees and landing on the motorhome, dust damage from wind, sunlight discolouring the paintwork, and even dead bugs and bird droppings left by our winged friends.

Over time this can contribute to more damage as dirt and debris builds on the roof and starts to drip down the sides leaving behind marks, this can also cause the designs and effects on the motorhome to peel off.

What are the advantages of a motorhome cover?

Protection from dirt and dust

Dirt and dust have the ability to very quickly damage and ruin the paint on your motorhome, a cover would help to protect against this meaning you do not have to clean it as often as you would if it were unprotected.

Stops rust and corrosion

Take a guess at what happens when a motorhome made of metal meets acidic water? That’s right, it rusts.

The particles within steel and iron begin to corrode when they come in contact with oxygen and water which starts to cause rust, over time this can start to break down and cause irreparable damage to your motorhome, a small amount of rust can be removed and repaired however if it is left too long it can eat through the metal of your motorhome requiring parts to be replaced. A cover will protect against this.

Keeps the motorhome cool

You’d be surprised how hot a motorhome gets with temperatures rising above 60 °C inside a closed motorhome in the sunlight, this can cause major damage to the inside of the motorhome.

Less maintenance and cleaning required

Keeping a motorhome covered drastically reduces the maintenance required, of course you must stay on top of maintaining your motorhome but the addition of a cover reduces the work required.

Treating rust and corrosion alongside fixing broken seals, faded parts and upkeeping fibreglass can all be avoided by simply using a cover.

What are the disadvantages of a motorhome cover?

There are of course some downsides to a motorhome cover that could affect your decision to use one or not.


Covers can be fairly impractical for many reasons, they are difficult to get on and off the motorhome with bigger motorhomes causing more hassle, they are expensive with high quality covers setting you back hundreds of pounds, they can damage the motorhome and even cause mould to build up.

Mould and damage

Sadly both sides of the coin contain potential damage, some cheaper covers are not built from high-quality materials which can scratch and damage the motorhome when putting on and taking it off, this issue is heightened in windy conditions if the cover was to flap about and rub against the exterior of the motorhome.

Mould can also build-up thanks to condensation in the air, trapping pockets of water and air underneath the cover, this is a perfect home for mould to grow and build up. Therefore it is important to invest in a breathable cover with vents to allow it to breathe.

Accessing the motorhome could be difficult

Lots of covers actually include space for a door to open and close allowing you access to your UV, however if you do not have this space then you could be out of luck having to take off and put on the cover each time or crawl underneath just to access the motorhome.


We recommend you get a cover for your motorhome, the pros dramatically outweigh the cons and if you fork out the extra cash for a high quality motorhome there’s no doubt you’ll reap the benefits, if you’re not paying for a cover you’ll definitely be paying for repairs later on.

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